Refusal of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses
Refusal of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses

Daehyun Environment: Comprehensive Environmental Solution
with Environmental Consideration

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Refusal of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses
Refusal of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses
We refuse the collection of email addresses posted on this website using email collection programs or any other technical devices without permission. Please be aware that violation of this may result in criminal penalties under the Information and Communication Network Act. ※ Article 50-2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. (Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses)
Article 50-2 of the Information and Communications Network Act (Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses)

No one shall collect email addresses using programs or other technical devices that automatically collect email addresses from internet websites where the intent to refuse email address collection is explicitly stated.

No one shall sell or distribute email addresses collected in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1.

No one shall use email addresses collected, sold, or distributed in violation of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 for information transmission.

※ If you have been affected by unauthorized email address collection using such technical measures, please report it to the Illegal Spam Response Center via the dedicated phone line (02-1336 without area code) or through the reporting window on the website(www.spamcop.or.kr).


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